Image result for hidingWell, voting over and Brexit declared, onwards and upwards. Then again, is it a game highlighted previously called snakes and ladders? But wait a minute – or I should say another year at least – to find out.

Once again the question posed about the Brexit exit rattle, on the post cost analysis this will tell all not to mention the human cost that will ensue.

Some of the latest news around, DOM (not to be mistaken for DON) has seen his prodigies come under fire and at least one has bitten the dust. There are but a few secrets that don’t come back to bite.  Then we have the Chancellor resigning before having the opportunity to present the first Budget of this Government, who are “Working together to solve the countries problems.” Not a very good start Boris.

While his pal has got off the hook across the other side of the Atlantic, how would the Founding Fathers view that outcome? Still it is good to know that DON has not got all the answers – quote, “What the hell was that all about?”

I’m sure a psychologist could explain in real life as opposed to a film which ironically could improve his cognisance in of real life. Not a good move in view of the on-coming Presidential Election.  One lesson in history might help for example in the 17th Century when Oliver Cromwell deposed Charles 1. In the film Oliver Cromwell listened to the words relating to how the Country had been governed and the lessons learned. Don’t watch alone – take Boris with you as interpreter.

Image result for oliver cromwell boris ohnston

As a by the way comment, how about a film Oscar for Boris and Don. The B movie has just begun, and the other B movie (better known as the D movie) is coming to an end. Who will win in the Black Comedy category – or will it be a tie? Fact or fiction? Which one is it to be? Surely fiction will carry the day.

Examples are:

1. Bridge Over Scotland and Ireland

2. The Great Wall of Mexico

Back to the domestic scene, herein are the questions posed re Brexit that the Intelligentsia have not given definitive answers to. A starter for 10 (no I mean 13, unlucky for some or maybe all) and yes there are more. Sorry! Anyway, here we go with the list of Challenges we have to face.

A.) Industry, Fishing, Agriculture, Domestic Issues

B.) The National Health Service, Education, Social Services

C.)Trade, Fuel, Travel, Leisure.

D.)Infrastructure, Customs.

E.) Economics, Politics, Employment Standards Of Living.

INTERALIA. Yes there is more!!! The nuts and bolts of living in the U.K. 2020 and beyond, is akin to a Runaway Train, and it has to be mentioned that the economy has flat lined at the moment. H.S.2. Sorry got that wrong – should read H.S.E – HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. I will get to H.S.2. later under Infrastructure.

While on about that, the Fat Cat of the U.K. (LONDON) is half way through drilling a multi-million/billion drain under the city with the cost agreed and to be amended (the usual wheeling and dealing). The rumour is a trap door will be constructed under Parliament to be named.G.F.P.2, better known as GUY FAWKES PART 2.

Image result for guy faulkes

We could use more help in that infrastructure U.K. wide, judging by the present weather, but that takes bold financial decisions except for the London area which houses the Financial Markets.

Years of under investment and lack of planning – that is why we are on the verge of disaster. Just check the news broadcasts at the present time covering all the flooding around the UK, caused by you know what. Let us be
different and go Dutch so to speak. Oh yes, I forgot – Holland are already switched on. Will Boris and his government see the light?

Anyway, how is the rest of the World faring?  Not so good – China in lock down and the rest anticipating the same. Once again the Middle East is in turmoil and in many cases catastrophic, revolving and evolving around religious lines, with Israel and Palestine always centre stage.

The following are the words from a song “There’s a new world somewhere they call the promised land.” Sadly not for both. Jerusalem, faith or faithless, depending what side of the wall you are on, has seen many massacres throughout history and many religions, where people cannot live together in peace. The present day leaders are of no help in this situation. Is it not a coincidence that both are under investigation for criminal activity? And so life goes on as people suffer. Why can’t they be helped?


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